New Tax Disputes Litigation Director 

In order to strengthen our renowned Tax Disputes Litigation practice, Patricio Casas has been appointed as the new Director of the area. In addition to being a recognition of Patricio’s talent, professionalism and experience, this appointment reflects the sustained growth of the area and the need to have a specialized team to face the new challenges it presents, derived from new specific inspection programs. implemented by the Chilean IRS, greater sophistication of audit processes, application of the general anti-avoidance standard, among others. 

Patricio Casas has over 10 years of experience in the area of ​​litigation and dispute resolution in tax matters, being part of Fischer y Cía team. since 2021. He is a lawyer from Universidad de Chile, a Master in Taxation from the Faculty of Economics and Business, and is currently studying the Doctorate in Law program at the same university. Likewise, in the academic field, he is a professor of the Master’s Degree in Tax Litigation and Supervision at the UAI, a professor of the Master’s Degree in Tax Law at Universidad de Concepción and a postgraduate professor at the Faculty of Law of Universidad de Chile. He has participated as a professor in different courses given by the Tax and Customs Courts, the Internal Revenue Service and the General Treasury of the Republic, in addition to having published a series of articles on tax matters in specialized academic journals.  

“I appreciate the trust of the partners and the team to continue consolidating our leadership in the area. Our main objective is to continue providing value to our clients in the resolution of tax disputes, through the implementation of strategies that allow us to combine high technical specialization, without losing the business focus that characterizes Fischer y Cía. as an office,” says Patricio Casas. 

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